A Bama Girl's Life

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

too busy to post but I'm doing it anyway. One of the reasons I'm so busy is b/c i have a research paper due soon. It on abortions and it is so sad to see how many kids are being killed. One in every third baby in America is Killed by an abortion. So sad! Legalized murder is what it really is.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger NumbaSixx said...

it is sad. and whts terrible is the different reasonings people come up with. I had to read a book for this class, and it said tht abortion was the reason it was a huge drop in crimes in the early 90's or sumthin, cause all the would be criminals were aborted. ISNT THT MESS FOOLISHNESS??!!!

HOW R YA BY THE WAY???!!!! besides busy.....

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Ben said...

ONE IN EVERY THREE. What an awful, awful fact. Do as good on your research paper as you did on your lesson/testimony in church and you'll pass with flying colors. I enjoyed your testimony/lesson you did great.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger RaCeCat said...

amen sista...

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

Hey, I did my research paper on abortion also... It's so hard to believe some of the things they do to babies. And that it's a fetus until it's born! That's preposterous to a NORMAL human being's thinking! It is most definitely legalized murder!


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