A Bama Girl's Life

Monday, September 18, 2006

Many Much Rafterens in the Boatens

Yet another win for Alabama!!! We were playing Louisiana Monroe and we beat them 42 to 7. I didn't get to hear most of the game because we were once again in Tennessee rafting. I actually got to raft this time!!! Our boat had 3 paddlers in it yet 7 people in it. That was interesting. I was one of the paddlers as well as Sarah and Josiah. For yall poor people who have never rafted before, the more weight in the raft the harder it is to control. Our poor boat did not go most places we wanted it to, but that was half of the fun. The last time a rafted down that river, it was not near as exciting. Thanks Dad!!!!


At 12:47 AM, Blogger ~*This Mama*~ said...

I still couldn't find those pictures, K mentioned on her blog.

Hey, didn't you fall out? Dude!

The one time I went in a boat with alot of people in it, we got stuck on EVERY SINGLE rock there was. I remember seeing a little tiny baby rock in the water up ahead...and I thought to myself..."Aww, what a sweet little rock. Too bad we're about to get stuck on top of it's head in a minute." And I thought I heard the little rock saying something that sounded similar to "HELP HELP", but I wasn't sure since he was by this point under my boat and we were all jumping up and down in an attmept to dislodge said boat from said rock. I still think of that little guy. I wonder if he made it.

Well, anyway, I chose from then on to get a sit-on. Loved it both times. I find I can dodge those rocks just a wee bit better! Some are friendlier than others and I can only guess that they might be cousins to that little guy and remember me from that time not so long ago.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Ms. Leila Harris said...

I'm soooo excited I'll be seeing u guys in exactly one week and 2 days cuz were comin down on thursday but yeh

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Cassia said...

Actually I did fall out!! In was in a simi/eddie right after "Double Suck". It was swift water but not that big of a rapid. I got stuck in-between a rock and the raft. At least I didn't go down the river

At 8:46 PM, Blogger AlabamaBrands said...

sounds like fun Sister Cassia


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