Monday, July 31, 2006
Hey check this out (Thanks Ben'e)
It all about ME (or at least how good you know me) ![]() Take my quiz! Take This Quiz | See Scores | Make Own Quiz |
well i thought this was a cool thingy and maybe you will to if you just try it.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Fun teanaged days
Last week 5 girls were over here ALL week long. Yes we had fun going swimming at 2:30am and sleeping till 1:00pm. Saturday 7 of us girls (2 others came) made this HUGE breakfast w/grits,(they were THICK) muffins, bacon, biscuits,French toast,coffee, ya know the works.
Here are our VERY thick gritts w/ a french toast piece on top proudly displayed by my sister Sarah

Monday, July 24, 2006
heyyy waz up? Last night the young people went to Bro.Danny for Sis.Laura's surprise b-day party. For those who weren't there it was fun, but we didn't play games and such like we normally do at there house. Anyway I'm working on my parents to get "Gold" DSL so I can put pictures on there much quicker ( it seems to take like 5 hrs to post pics now. Needless to say that is very ANNOYING)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hey yall!!! It feels like I've been gone FOREVER but I was only gone for three days including traveling days. thats just the way it is living in alabama. Its so wonderful you don't want to leave. I had a lot of fun and the services were uplifting and incourgeing. it was wonderful to see the ones that have been saved for a long time as well as the ones who just got saved. Anyway I took lots of pics and I'll put some on here.

Friday, July 14, 2006
sad days
as I sit here at the cpu everyone around me is going crazy trying to leave for youth jublee in arkanses so i will not post till monday :(. I'm sad and don't want to leave home but i think i will have fun. bye I'm leaving now
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Blond and A Red Head
If you've read Kayla's blog about blondness you will understand where this comes from.
Today Kayla and I were talking about this salad I ate when I was hungry last night and she asked if it was big. Playing along I opened my arms wide and said it was that big. "Wow" was Kayla's response "did you say ribbit after?" I laughed, splashed her, then swam off (we were swimming, by the way) when I surfaced she said "uhhhhh Cassi, rabbits don't say 'ribbit' frogs do!!!"
Any way, that just shows how much Kay and I think alike. The sad thing is that she is a blond. I'm not.
Pardon my lateness to blog. I've been involve in my book and the wonderfulness of summer. Who cannot LOVE summer? Its great!!! Last night some of us went to this army thingy then out to O'Charley's. We had all the Thorgerson kids except Griffin. ALL of them behaved well when reminded to, don't get me wrong I love them dearly and can hardly wait to have my own but they take a lot of time and love.
Kayla came and spent the night last night. We are about to go jump into the pool so I catch you later.

This pic of us last year at Dylan's and my 13th b-day party. Everyone was to dress up in their favorite teams' stuff. Thats why we had the face paint on.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
This afternoon the Thorgerson part of my family came over to celebrate my birthday. I had fun w/ the kids, Timmy, Colby, Adien, Emma, and Griffen. Mom made a REALLY good pork roast. For those who don't know, my parents' family originally came from New England, but I was born down south in Alabama and have lived here all my life. We actualy just got back form visting them saturday morning at like 3:30 A.M.
this pic is of the three older Thorgerson children from about two and a half years ago.

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Lots of fun
Ok so this is WAY fun. I love it!!! If you want me to put your link on my site tell me and ill get my computer consultant (kmcanally) to help me
I welcome myself to the blogging world
Well here I am today on my b-day starting to blog. I will not make any promises to blog every day, not even every week. I will do my best to put pictures up when I go to events that you can't make it to. Sooo now that that's done I have nothing else to bore you with. I have come to the end of my very first post.
ps. I will get campmeeting and New England pics up as soon as I figure it out.