A Bama Girl's Life

Thursday, September 21, 2006


well i was going to do one of those crazy things 1-100 things but mom ERASED it!!!!! (I was at like 50) I don't have the heart to do it now so maybe yall will get one and maybe not.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Many Much Rafterens in the Boatens

Yet another win for Alabama!!! We were playing Louisiana Monroe and we beat them 42 to 7. I didn't get to hear most of the game because we were once again in Tennessee rafting. I actually got to raft this time!!! Our boat had 3 paddlers in it yet 7 people in it. That was interesting. I was one of the paddlers as well as Sarah and Josiah. For yall poor people who have never rafted before, the more weight in the raft the harder it is to control. Our poor boat did not go most places we wanted it to, but that was half of the fun. The last time a rafted down that river, it was not near as exciting. Thanks Dad!!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

13 to 10

ROLLLL TIDE!!! We won again! We played Vanderbilt (SP?) at home in Alabama and won 13 to 10. Not great score numbers but our rushing numbers and such are way better than Vandys. If it weren't for Jimmy Johns we would have got a greater score. He fumbled the ball IN THE IN ZONE WITH IN A TWO YARDS OF THE TOUCHDOWN!!!!! ARGGGGGG. Well we can't all be perfect. JK. I don't know that I would have done any better but, I don't play collage football ether. Well enough of my ranting and raving Roll tide anyway.

Btw: Kayla and Ben, we miss yall in sunday school already. WAHHHHHH

Friday, September 08, 2006


Ok, so I've had some comments (in person, not on my blog) that I NEVER put pictures on my blog anymore. IT NOT MY FAULT!!! The stupid blogger.com will not let me any more. I have no ider why so for any of yall who are wanting some pics you might as will go look at someone else's blog. For now a least. so sad

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A MAN????

I read this in Readers DIgest and loved it!!!

I helped a little lost girl by takeing her to the store's service counter and having them page her mother. I saw this as a chance to teach my young daughter, Kylie, a lesson.
"That girl did the right thing" I said, "Do you know why?, Because she asked a woman for help, not a man"
Kylie looked at me mystified. "Why on earth would I ask a man for help if I was already lost?"

Monday, September 04, 2006

Poor Blog!!!

My poor blog has been neglected!!!!! I've been cabining (camping) in NC and rafting. That was fun but I only got to go down the small river that I went down when I was three instead of the one that is much bigger. SO SAD. I fell when I was trying to video the ones that went first and got scraped up pretty bad so I couldn't ride because I would get infected from the river water... BOO HOO. I had fun in the cabin n such. Bro.W.C , Warren, Wesley, Walter, and Jeffro came by (they just went down the Ocoee) so all and all it was worth it, even if Walter and Leah beat Wesley and me in Table Soccer.

OH another thing i did not write that thing on my last post. That's Bama's fight song. SILLY NON-BAMA FANS!!!!!!