A Bama Girl's Life

Thursday, March 05, 2009


So... an update is deff in order. :) Life is good, friends are good, God is great.
In fact since I need to ramble... that song " I Believe God!" has been such a blessing to me!
So i love subway... umm
Oh school! i can always talk about college! lol, I am taking BIo 103 and psy 200 this semester and i LOVE it!! lol i know i kinda 'have to' go to college (my parents don't make me just for the profession i'm choosing) but it is soo fun to me ! Yeah, there is homework to do and a lot of studying but i'm learning so much! I am learning all about how the cells work and how we use food for energy and all this kinda stuff that is so interesting! i love to learn!
on another note: I SAW BRIAN REGAN!! that was so awesome! He is funny!