A Bama Girl's Life

Thursday, August 17, 2006


So as it turns out, my sunday school class is going to Southern Adventures instead of ChuckECheese's. As for me i am berry-berry gwlad. (Sorry some "Aiden talk" slipping in.) Sarah and I took Timmy mimmy , Colby Bolby, Monkey man (a.k.a Aiden), and Emma Louu to ChuckECheese's. What a night!! not that any of the kids were that bad but, it was tiresome. Now i do believe i know why mom only took us for birthdays. I climbed in this little tunnel thingy that was really for children a third my size, just to let little Emma slide down the mult-colured slide. We spent roughly 10 dollars in tokens, 20 dollars for food, and 5 hrs to let them stick some money in a slot and try their hardest to get a few tickets that might get them a whoopee cushion that breaks on the way home. All well, as long as they had fun..... I got some cute pictures out of the deal to so that ought to amount to something. sorry i can't show them, but... if you have read my other blogs then you will understand I'm to tired to try to tell you now (did you see how many words started w/"t" in that last line?)


At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is called: alliteration. Also called head rhyme, in case you were wondering.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Cassia said...

What is??


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