A Bama Girl's Life

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mickie D's

Guess what I did again? Went climbing through the slide and tubes that move for a little girl named EMMA. My poor knees have seen better days. This time her mom was there and she told me that I did not have to do that, Emma could climb all by herself. Shmily little girl? We went over to Amie's house later and Sarah and I learned how to play Rook, a card game that I've wanted to play half my life. It was great when Sarah and I (who were on a team w/ Amie helping us out) beat Mom and Brian who are experienced players.


At 12:45 PM, Blogger ~*This Mama*~ said...

yeah, I have heard alot about that game, yet I have only played it once. I don't think I played long enough to determine whether I liked it or not. LOL I think Jef likes it though.

I am not really a game-playing type person... or I wasn't until I discovered Canasta! I remember some time back when Kelly said she wanted to play and I showed absolutely no interest because, like I said, I am just not a game-playin' person. Not only that, but I dislike trying new things. Very much so. But now that I have tried it, I can't get enough!

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Cassia said...

I LOVE Canasta!!!! Nobody will play it w/ me here

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the few actual rook players club!! Yahoo!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger RaCeCat said...

we were in FL @ Burger king, and Ryan and Gage went into the play place... I came to ask Ryan a question, and couldn't find him... He was in the TUNNELS!! Ryan...

Yeah. I guess he had fun though! lol


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